Angelina Jolie Make Disappointed Syrian Refugees
Jumat, 14 September 2012

"We did not expect anything from the United Nations. They have come here many times but nothing has changed. They do not put pressure on the Syrian government to step down and respect the wishes of the people," said Abu Omer, one of the refugees Celebrity News.
The state of Syrian refugees is indeed very sad. They lack food and medicines difficult. They want no changes, good luck while in their evacuation and in their country.
UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Antonio Guterres, who accompanied Jolie on a visit to the refugee camps. They visited two separate camps. Jolie and Guterres also visited field hospitals and kindergartens Celebrity News.
Jolie also had to express his feelings in front of the Syrian refugees. During his speech, fiance Brad Pitt was in tears, expressing his sadness over civil war in Syria that has not abated since 18 months ago.
According to the actress 37 years, the clash was terrible and the poor around the world Celebrity News.
Judul: Angelina Jolie Make Disappointed Syrian Refugees
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